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嘉润研究 | 在迪拜投资与创业涉及的有关法律问题 Investing and Entrepreneurship in Dubai







一、Dubai Market Overview

Dubai, nestled on the southeast coast of the Arabian Gulf, proudly claims the title of the most populous city in the United Arab Emirates. Not just a local powerhouse, Dubai functions as the economic and financial nucleus for the entire Middle East. As the capital of the Emirate of Dubai, one of the seven emirates constituting the UAE, it exudes prominence on both regional and global scales.

The dynamic market in Dubai unfolds with vibrancy and diversity, characterized by a perpetually expanding economy. The Dubai government, recognizing the pivotal role of trade, tourism, and innovation, has sculpted a promising market outlook. The city's allure is further heightened by a sturdy legal framework, policies welcoming foreign investment, effective dispute resolution mechanisms, and robust safeguards for intellectual property. In this landscape, Dubai beckons investors with the promise of a secure, stable, open, transparent, and prosperous business milieu, solidifying its stature as one of the world's premier business and investment hubs.

Dubai's global standing is underscored by the 34th Global Financial Centres Index (GFCI 34), unveiled on September 28, 2023, where it claims the 22nd position worldwide. Notably, it not only secures a spot in the global arena but also maintains its stronghold as the leading Middle Eastern city. Acting as the linchpin in the UAE's economic surge, Dubai proudly stands as the nation's primary economic and financial epicentre.






















1) 可以通过聘请迪拜的咨询公司以简化流程、节省时间。

2) 可以利用迪拜经济发展部、迪拜投资促进局、阿联酋自由区等在线平台和政府门户网站简化注册和文件提交流程。

3) 通过与其他企业和潜在合作伙伴建立联系,以提升公司业务运行效率。

二、Procedures for Registering a Company in Dubai

Embarking on the journey of establishing a business entity in the UAE involves an intricate process, encompassing a series of ten crucial steps:

1、Opt for the Business Paradigm

Make a strategic decision on the nature of the company, considering the expansive business landscape in Dubai. The city extends two distinctive business domains - Free Trade Zones and Mainland. Free Trade Zones cater to specific industries, enabling international operations for companies within these zones. Currently, there are a total of 24 operational Free Trade Zones in Dubai, including noteworthy ones like Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) and Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC). Meanwhile, mainland businesses enjoy the flexibility of trading both domestically and globally, adhering to Dubai's standard legal framework.

2、Specify Business Endeavors

Articulate the company's intended business activities by referring to the authorized list available on the Dubai Economic Development Department (DED) official website.

3、Opt for Company Appellation

Choose a distinctive name that aligns with Dubai's legal stipulations, avoiding any content that might be deemed religiously sensitive.

4、Preliminary Authorization

Certain sectors, such as healthcare and education, necessitate preliminary approval from pertinent Dubai authorities.

5、Formalize Company Registration

Present details such as the company name, business pursuits, shareholder particulars, and requisite documents to the Dubai Economic Development Department (DED), accompanied by the necessary fees for registration and related processes.

6、Apply for Visas

Visa classifications hinge on the roles associated with investments and the company structure. In cases involving foreign stakeholders or employees, the application process includes obtaining work and residency visas.

7、 Inaugurate a Corporate Bank Account

Initiate the process of acquiring a company bank account, furnishing the necessary company registration documents and personal identification. All financial transactions must channel through the designated company bank account.

8、Securing Business-Specific Authorizations

Certain business activities may mandate obtaining permits from designated official agencies.

9、Taxation Registration

The corporate tax rate in the UAE stands at 9%. Undertake registration with the Federal Tax Authority and diligently submit annual tax returns.

10、Additional Deliberations

a. Optimize the Procedure:

Simplify and expedite the entire process by engaging the services of a consultancy firm in Dubai.

b. Leverage Online Platforms:

Harness the potential of online avenues and government portals, such as the Dubai Economic Development Department, Dubai Investment Promotion Agency, and UAE Free Zones, to streamline the registration and document




1) 勤勉尽责:董事有责任以勤勉尽责的态度执行其职责,确保公司的经营活动和决策符合法律法规,并有利于公司的长期利益。

2) 公司治理决策:董事在公司治理方面担任关键角色,需要参与并做出决策,以确保公司有效运作。

3) 信息披露和通知义务:董事有责任及时向公司股东、主管机关和其他相关方披露公司的关键信息,确保透明度和合规性。

4) 通报利益冲突:如果董事在公司决策中存在与其个人利益有冲突的情况,需要依法及时通报,并在相关决策中避免投票或参与。


三、Directors' Responsibilities and Duties

In Dubai, the responsibilities and duties of company directors are primarily outlined in the 2021 Commercial Companies Law. The following are the key aspects of directorial responsibilities and obligations under this law:

1、Statutory Duties

1) Diligence: Directors are obligated to execute their duties with diligence, ensuring that the company's business operations and decisions comply with legal regulations and contribute to the company's long-term interests.

2) Corporate Governance Decision-Making: Directors play a crucial role in corporate governance, actively participating in and making decisions to ensure the effective operation of the company. This involves reviewing and approving the company's strategies, financial plans, and other critical matters.

3)Information Disclosure and Notification Obligations: Directors have a responsibility to promptly disclose crucial company information to shareholders, regulatory authorities, and other relevant parties, ensuring transparency and compliance.

4) Reporting Conflicts of Interest: In cases where directors have conflicts of interest in company decisions due to personal interests, it is legally required to promptly report such situations and abstain from voting or participating in the related decisions.

Overall, these regulations aim to ensure that company directors strictly adhere to the standards while fulfilling their duties, protecting the rights of the company and its stakeholders, and promoting good corporate governance and sustainable business practices. It's worth noting that the specific responsibilities and duties outlined in the law may vary depending on the circumstances, and the applicable regulations need further consideration based on the nature and scale of the company.



四、Fiduciary Duty

In 2015, fiduciary duties were first incorporated into UAE law. Article 22 of the Commercial Companies Law stipulates specific fiduciary responsibilities of directors towards the company and shareholders. In particular, the Company’s managing director shall preserve the rights thereof and act with due care. Also, he shall carry out all acts that are consistent with the object of the company as outlined in the specific authorization scope specified in the authorization document.






迪拜针对不同的雇员类型,有不同的签证类别,如就业签证、自由职业签证、投资者签证,以及特殊长期居留许可——“黄金签证” 等。




2022 年 11 月,迪拜宣布对私营部门雇员实行每月 3,500 迪拉姆的最低工资制度,这一制度在特定情况下可以豁免。

五、Employment Quotas for Local and Overseas Workers in Dubai

As of the year 2024, Dubai boasts a permanent population of approximately 3.1 million residents, with an additional transient population, elevating the total to around 5 million. Post-pandemic, the city has witnessed an accelerated surge in population. Notably, in the span of 18 months, from the latter half of 2022 through the initial half of 2023, Dubai witnessed a noteworthy spike of 124,000 residents. As of the close of 2023, the expatriate community's share in Dubai's population surpassed the remarkable threshold of 90%. Here, we outline key regulations governing the employment landscape for foreign nationals in Dubai:

1、Sponsorship System

Local enterprises in Dubai are mandated to serve as sponsors for foreign employees, facilitating work permits and residence permits. This system, however, imposes specific constraints on foreign workers.

2、Visa Categories

Dubai extends a range of visa categories tailored to diverse employment scenarios. These include employment visas, freelance permits, investor visas, and exclusive long-term residency permits recognized as the illustrious "Golden Visa."

3、Localization Policies

In recent times, the UAE government has accorded priority to the employment of its citizens, instituting a suite of policies aimed at reserving job opportunities for nationals, offering training initiatives, and incentivizing private enterprises to prioritize the hiring of UAE citizens.

4、Minimum Wage

In November 2022, Dubai announced the enforcement of a minimum wage, fixed at AED 3,500 per month for private sector employees. Certain exemptions are allowed under specific circumstances, offering a nuanced approach to wage regulations.






阿联酋制定了涵盖版权、商标、专利、工业设计和商业机密的综合法律。例如,阿联酋2002年第17号联邦法律颁布了关于专利、工业图纸和外观设计等的管理和保护制度;2006年第31号联邦法律规定了对工业知识产权的管理与保护制度;2016年第31号联邦法律规定了对专利的保护制度, 2021年第36号联邦法律制定了对商标的保护制度、2021年第38号法律则规定了对版权和邻接权的保护制度。这些法律符合国际标准,为知识产权持有人提供充分的保护。







六、Safeguarding Intellectual Property Rights in Dubai's Dynamic Landscape

In recent times, Dubai has undergone a rapid evolution in fortifying the protection of intellectual property rights, a transformation credited to forward-thinking legislation, resilient infrastructure, and its strategically advantageous geographic positioning. The pivotal facets of this progress encompass:

1、Administrative Oversight

Operating at the administrative echelon, the Dubai Department of Economic Development (DED) has instituted a dedicated regulatory arm focused on intellectual property matters. This department shoulders the responsibilities of intellectual property registration, enforcement, and the execution of public awareness initiatives.

2、Legislative Framework

At the legislative stratum, the UAE has enacted exhaustive laws enveloping copyright, trademarks, patents, industrial designs, and trade secrets. For example, UAE promulgates Law No. 17 of 2002 on the Regulation and Protection of Industrial Property of Patents, Industrial Drawings, and Designs; Federal Law No. 31 of 2006 on the Regulation and Protection of Industrial Property Right; Federal Law No. 36 of 2021 on the Protection of Trademarks, and Law No. 38 of 2021 on the Protection of Copyrights and Neighboring Rights. These laws align with international standards, affording robust protection for holders of intellectual property rights.

3、Judicial System

The judicial arena boasts a specialized Intellectual Property Court in Dubai, efficiently adjudicating disputes related to intellectual property with precision.

4、Arbitration Mechanisms

In terms of arbitration, the Dubai government has pioneered the establishment of institutions like the Dubai International Arbitration Centre (DIAC), offering alternative dispute resolution avenues for intellectual property-related conflicts.

5、Infrastructure Support

Dubai has fortified its intellectual property landscape by instituting the International Trademark Registration Office, serving as a hub for intellectual property. In collaboration with 24 operational free trade zones, this centre streamlines registration procedures, extending tax incentives to the custodians of intellectual property rights.





  • 李晶晶




    • 国有企业法律业务
    • 政府机关、事业单位与社会团体法律业务
    • 科技与创新业务
    • 大健康业务
    • 诉讼仲裁业务



  • 李琳





    • 公司业务
    • 资本市场业务
    • 破产业务

