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本所高级合伙人陈玉龙,立足本所国际业务发展近况,近日于爱尔兰知名律所Connolly O’Neill Solicitors达成合作意向,并代表本所签订了双方合作协议。相信两家律所的强强合作,可以为各自


本所高级合伙人陈玉龙,立足本所国际业务发展近况,近日于爱尔兰知名律所Connolly O’Neill Solicitors达成合作意向,并代表本所签订了双方合作协议。相信两家律所的强强合作,可以为各自客户提供更加优质的法律服务。本所将为客户的海外发展提供助力。

Recently, considering the last development of Dowway&Partners international business, partner of Dowway&Partners Mr. Yulong Chen reached a cooperation intention with Connolly O’Neill Solicitors,a famous law firm in Ireland.Mr. Chen had signed the Cooperative Agreement representing Dowway&Partners this week. It is believed that the cooperative relationship between Dowway&Partners and Connolly O’Neill Solicitors will benefit both parties and our clients. We are glad to provide better legal services and help to fuel the overseas development of our clients.

爱尔兰Connolly O’Neill Solicitors简介

Connolly O’Neill Solicitors律师事务所位于爱尔兰恩尼斯帕内尔街,在商业法律事务方面有着丰富的经验。该所建立了一套经过训练的调解团队,拥有专业素质和经验,可为客户提供考虑各方利益的快速有效的解决方案。对于离婚、抚养权纠纷或其他婚姻家庭法律事务,该所提供的法律方案可行性极强。同时,Connolly O’Neill可处理住宅或商业地产的业主、租户、产权事务。该所在提供破产、财务审查、重组相关的法律服务的同时,将探索所有可能的经营战略并筹划改进方案。


Connolly O’Neill Solicitors provides a very personable and friendly service, based on Parnell Street in the heart of Ennis. Connolly O’Neill has a wealth of experience on business and commercial legal matters. They have a trained mediator with expertise and experience, hammering solutions out quickly in the interests of all parties. Divorce, Custody Battle, or other family issues can be a trying time. They address the legal practicalities. Connolly O’Neill cover both residential and commercial landlord, tenant and property issues. They provide bankruptcy, examinership and restructuring legal service and will examine all possible strategies and organise a plan going forward.

Website: http://connollyoneill.com
